You must respond to at least 50% of the presence checks to be granted access to the post-evaluation. The number of presence checks is random for each webinar. There are audio alerts for presence checks on computer devices only. There are no audio alerts for presence checks on mobile devices.
If you are unable to complete the post-evaluation at the end of the course, but have responded to the appropriate number of presence checks, the post- evaluation will remain pending in your LEARNING PORTAL until completion, under MY NOTIFICATIONS and MY CE COURSES
To access the evaluation(s) awaiting completion:
1. Login to your freeCE account at (Please see Signing Into Your Account for directions)
You will then click TAKE POST-EVALUATION the right of the course in question under MY NOTIFICATIONS
You will click the three vertical dots to the right of the course in question and TAKE EVALUATION if you are under MY CE COURSES.
If you completed the course but do not have access to the post-evaluation, please submit a support ticket or begin a live message. Please be sure to include the time and date of the course in question.